Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Day 18

I joined to observe Aj. Ploy’s class with Andin, because Aj. Fang did not have any class on that day.
It was same like Aj. Fang, Aj. Ploy used expository for her class. She gave the students some explanations about Polynomial. After that, she gave them some excercises to be done.
Then, she asked the students who could solve the exercises with the shortest time to share their answer.
In the afternoon, we went to building 16 to meet english education’s students of TRU. We introduced our university there. We talked everything about our university which were faculties, majors, buildings, number of students, the university cost, how to enter the university, etc. Then, we went to the yard to see the orientation for the new students. They were dancing, singing, etc.
After that, we came back to Aj. Fai’s house.

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